Monopoly Forum Game #1 - Game Over - D2DC wins.

US Name
Rent with color set
Rent (1 House)
(2 Houses)
(3 Houses)
(4 Houses)
Houses Cost
Hotels Cost (plus 4 houses)
Mortgage Value
Brown Mediterranean Avenue
Brown Baltic Avenue
Light Blue Oriental Avenue
Light Blue Vermont Avenue
Light Blue Connecticut Avenue
Pink St Charles Place
Pink States Avenue
Pink Virginia Avenue
Orange St James Place
Orange Tennessee Avenue
Orange New York Avenue
Red Kentucky Avenue
(Skjolde) M
Red Indiana Avenue
Red Illinois Avenue
Yellow Atlantic Avenue
Yellow Ventnor Avenue
Yellow Marvin Gardens
Green Pacific Avenue
Green North Carolina Avenue
Green Pennsylvania Avenue
Park Place

Reading Railroad (Skjolde) MRent: 100
Pennsylvania Railroad (D2DC)Rent: 200
B & O Railroad (Noodle)Rent: 100
Short Line Railroad (D2DC)Rent: 200
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It's been a busy few days. Will get this rolling later today.
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Rotation 49:

@D2DC rolls 5 (3+2) and advances to Luxury Tax, Paying $400 for his lavish lifestyle.
@Skjolde rolls 7 (5+2) and advances to Connecticut Avenue, paying Noodle $32
@coju rolls 4 (1+3) and advances to Park Place. coju owes D2DC $6,000 in rent.

Coju's assess: $3,510 in cash.

Selling properties from the browns = 3 houses at $100 each = $300
Mortgaging both brown properties at $120 each = $240

Total assets after selling houses and mortgaging properties = $4,050, as coju owes $6,000 to D2DC, coju has been bankrupted and is out of the game!

@Noodle rolls doubles! rolling 12 (6+6), passing Go and collecting $800 and landing on Reading Railroad, Noodle pays Skjolde $100 in rent.
Noodle rolls again, rolling doubles again! Rolling 2 (1+1) Noodle Lands on Chance #1 and draws via 1D30:

You have been “rugged” by Noodle. Roll the dice and go back the number of spaces rolled. If you are Noodle, go back double.
Noodle rolls 8 and goes back 16 spaces, landing on Pacific Avenue. Noodle pays D2DC $3,600 in rent.

Game paused while the otcome of coju's properties transferring to D2DC is sorted.
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Reactions: coju and D2DC
Rotation 49 stats:

@D2DC has opted to pay the cost to unmortgage plus an additional 10% upfront to take possession of Baltic and Mediterranean at a cost of $132 for each property, that being $264 total.

D2DC: $21,437 - $264 = $21,173.

D2DC has taken possession of Baltic and Mediterranean Avenue, and the property chart above has been edited.


D2DC: $21,173 - $400 (income tax) + $4,050 and coju's properties (not counting the cost to unmortgage and take possession, as that was done above) + $3,600 from Noodle in rent = $28,423

Skjolde: $3,012 - $32 to Noodle + $100 form Noodle = $3,080

Noodle: $4,221 + $800 (Go) - $3600 to D2DC = $1,421

The Bank: $78,330 - $800 to Noodle = $77,530
Free Parking: $1,675 $400 from D2DC = $2,075

*At this point I'm going to stop listing the number of houses and hotels, as it's become irrelevant*

Player Positions:

D2DC: Luxury Tax
Skjolde: Connecticut Avenue
Noodle: Pacific Avenue
Coju: Retired
Leo: Passed out
Rotation 50! No jail this round! Any landing on Go to Jail/Hell just advances to "Just Visiting" anyone roling doubles three times just keeps rolling.

@D2DC rolls 5 (5+3) and advances to Oriental Avenue, and collects $800 for passing Go.
D2DC owns Oriental Avenue.

@Skjolde rolls 8 (3+5) and advances to Community Chest #2.
Skjolde draws a CC Card via 1D30:

Holiday savings fund matures. Receive $400

@Noodle rolls 7 (4+3) and advances to Luxury Tax and pays $400


D2DC: $28,423 + $800 (Go) = $29,223
Skjolde: $3,080 + $400 (CC) = $3,480
Noodle: $1,421 - $400 (LT) = $1,021

The Bank: $77,530 - $800 to D2DC = $76,730
Free Parking: $2,075


D2DC Oriental Ave
Skjolde: CC #2
Noodle: Luxury Tax
Rotation 51:

@D2DC rolls 6 (1+5) and advances to The Electric Company.
D2DC owns this property.

@Skjolde rolls 8 (3+5) and advances to BO Railroad.
Skjolde pays Noodle $100

@Noodle rolls 6 (5+1) and advances to Income Tax.
Noodle pays $800 in taxes.


D2DC $29,223
Skjolde: $3,480 - $100 to Noodle = $3,380
Noodle: $1,021 = $100 from Skjolde - $800 in taxes = $321

The Bank: $76,730
Free Parking: $2,075


D2DC: Electric Company
Skjolde: BO RR
Noodle: Income Tax
Rotation 52:

@D2DC rolls 6 (1+5) and advances to Tennessee Avenue.
D2DC owns Tennessee Avenue.

@Skjolde rolls 7 (6+1) and advances to North Carolina Avenue.
Skjolde owes D2DC $3,600 in rent.

Skjolde's assets:

$3,380 in cash

No houses to sell.

*an additional $220 is needed to satisfy the debt.

Values of properties if mortgaged:

Vermont: $200
Kentucky $440
Ventnor: $520
Marvin Gardens: $560
Reading RR: $400

Skjolde, let me know if you want to mortgage a specific property or properties. If I don't hear from you by 6 PM CST tonight I will randomly mortgage one of the properties of Kentucky, Ventnor, Marvin Gardens or the RR to make up the cash.
@D2DC LOL do you want to offer the other two the option to call it and just surrender?
I'm going to call the game after the next player bankrupts. At this point it's inevitable that D2DC will win, so it's pretty much down to either Skjolde or Noodle getting 2nd place.
Skjolde has mortgaged Kentucky Avenue for $440.

$3,380 + $440 = $3,820 - $3,600 to D2DC = $220

Skjolde has paid off his debt to D2DC

@Noodle rolls doubles! Rolling 2 (1+1) and advances to Oriental Avenue and pays D2DC $24 in rent.
Noodle rolls again, rolling 7 (6+1) and advances to States Avenue and pays D2DC $40

Stats for Rotation 52:

D2DC: $29,223 + $3,600 from Skjolde + $24 + $40 from Noodle = $32,887
Skjolde: $220
Noodle: $321 - $24 and - $40 to D2DC = $257

The Bank: $76,730
Free Parking: $2,075


D2DC: Tennessee Avenus
Skjolde: North Carolina
Noodle: States Avenue
Rotation 53:

@D2DC adds hotels on the orange and blue properties, at a cost of $2,800
D2DC rolls 4 (1+3) and advances to Chance #2.
D2DC draws a Chance Card via 1D30:

You bought the DVD collection of HBO Rome at a discount store. Fortune pisses on you. Lose two turns.

@Skjolde rolls doubles! Rolling 12 (6+6) and advances to Income Tax and owes $400 in taxes.
Skjolde mortgages Reading Railroad for $400 and pays $400 in taxes
Skjolde rolls again, rolling 10 (6+4) and advances to Virginia Avenue.
Skjolde Pays Noodle $48

@Noodle rolls 11 (6+5) and advances to Illinois Avenue.
Noodle pays D2DC $40


D2DC: $32,887 - $2,800 (Hotels on Oranges and Dark Blue) $40 from Noodle = $30,127
Skjolde: $220 = $400 (Mortgage on Reading) - $400 to Income Tax - $40 to Noodle = $180
Noodle: $257 + $48 from Skjolde - $40 to D2DC = $265

The Bank: $76,730 + $2,800 (D2DC/Hotels) = $79,530
Free Parking: $2,075 = $400 from Skjolde = $2,475

*Noting the hotels being added to D2DC's properties but not going to bother listing it*


D2DC: Chance #2 (Loss of two turns 0/2)
Skjolde: Virginia Avenue
Noodle: Illinois Avenue
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Rotation 54:

@D2DC: [after a flogging] Is that it? I was just beginning to enjoy myself. (loss of turn 1/3)

@Skjolde rolls 10 (6+4) and advances to Illinois Avenue, and pays D2DC $40

@Noodle rolls doubles! Rolling 12 (6+6) and lands on Chance #3.
Noodle draws a Chance Card via 1D30:

Go to Hell. Go directly to Hell, do not pass Go, do not collect $800
Noodle has gone to hell and forfeits his doubles roll.


D2DC: $30,127 + $40 from Skjolde = $30,167
Skjolde: $180 - $40 to D2DC = $140
Noodle: $265

The Bank: $79,530
Free Parking: $2,475


D2DC: Chance #2 (Lost turn 1/2)
Skjolde: Illinois Avenue
Noodle: Burning in hell with Don.
Rotation 55:

@D2DC: Mother, you are blinded by untapped lust. I'll get you a good big Cyrenian at the market and have done with it! (lost turn 2/2)
@Skjolde rolls 7 (4+3) and advances to Pacific Avenue. Skjolde owes D2DC $3,600 in rent.

Noting Skjolde's assets of $140 and mortgaging the remaining properties of Vermont, Ventnor and Marvin Gardens
gives a total of $1,280 for a combined total of $1,420, this isn't enough to satisfy the debt to D2DC and Skjolde has bankrupted out of the game.

As @Noodle would eventually bankrupt as well if the game continued, the game is called here with
D2DC being declared the winner. Noodle takes second place by default. Skjolde third, coju fourth and Leo last.

@Leopold Stotch

Thread is open for thoughts, comments or whatever.
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Reactions: D2DC and coju
Well done to Gorny for hosting. This looked like a headache to keep track of everything!

I think maybe a different board game would be more fun on the forums though, as there weren't a lot of decisions to be made. Luck of the roll game, and Gorny had to do all the rolling for us.. Also, the flavored comm chest etc were a nice touch.

I've got a few board games that I think may lend themselves to online forum play. Does anybody here know how to play Pandemic or Flashpoint? I just got a new game called Octopus' Garden which I think may be easy enough to implement.
Not much in the way of rules and background, no night actions either:

Monopoly Setup & Rules.

Game Rules:


Game Rule Set is “Out For Blood”

The bank has a total cash amount of $ 82,320.00 Each player starts the game with $ 4,000.00. Passing “Go” grants $800.00. There are no auctions. All Properties are randomly assigned to all players, including the railroads and utilities. Chance and Community Chest have surprise cards.

Regarding properties: All monetary values are quadrupled. This includes the buy price, rents, mortgage prices and unmortgage prices.

Regarding money concerns on Chance and Community Chest Cards: The money is quadrupled.

List of Monopoly Chance cards (US)

  1. Advance to Boardwalk
  2. Advance to Go (Collect $800)
  3. Advance to Illinois Avenue. If you pass Go, collect $800
  4. Advance to St. Charles Place. If you pass Go, collect $800
  5. Advance to the nearest Railroad. If unowned, you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, pay the owner twice the rental to which they are otherwise entitled
  6. Advance to the nearest Railroad. If unowned, you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, pay the owner twice the rental to which they are otherwise entitled
  7. Advance token to nearest Utility. If unowned, you may buy it from the Bank. If owned, throw dice and pay owner a total twenty times amount thrown.
  8. Bank pays you dividend of $250
  9. Get Out of Jail Free Card. (This may be kept, until needed or traded)
  10. Go Back 3 Spaces
  11. Go to Hell. Go directly to Hell, do not pass Go, do not collect $800
  12. Make general repairs on all your property. For each house pay $100. For each hotel pay $400
  13. Pay a speeding ticket of $175
  14. Take a trip to Reading Railroad. If you pass Go, collect $800
  15. You have been elected Chairman of the Board. Pay each player $200
  16. Your building loan matures. Collect $600
  17. You have been “rugged” by Noodle. Roll the dice and go back the number of spaces rolled. If you are Noodle, go back double.
  18. You go shopping at Old Navy. Pay $225
  19. You bought the DVD collection of HBO Rome at a discount store. Fortune pisses on you. Lose two turns.
  20. You are seduced by a succubus. Lose your next turn and pay $200 to Leopold Stotch. If you are Leopold Stotch, pay each player 200.
  21. You have incurred a “post restriction”, on your next turn you must pay each player the amount of the dice rolled times 10.
  22. You draw the “cop” role. Pay 200. If you are D2DC, you are “insane”, pay 400.
  23. You draw the mason role with Skjolde. Advance forward 3 spaces. If you are Skjolde, advance 6 spaces.
  24. You draw “scum buddies” with Zhao_Yue and Noodle. Advance to go, collect 800. If you are Noodle go directly to jail. Do not pass Go, do not collect 800.
  25. You draw “Mafia Hit Man” along with your Mafia Goon partner, Coju. Roll the dice and multiply by 10. Pay that amount to Coju. If you are Coju, advance to Go and collect 800.
  26. Discuss the finer points of Star Trek with Dredd. Pay 250.
  27. You “won” at Battlepix for the day and no one else posts. Collect 200 from each player.
  28. Watch an Episode of Invader Zim. Roll the dice, if even, it does not rain. Collect 500. If odd, you melted in the rain. Pay 500.
  29. You wander into the OTF at the wrong time, and are scarred for life by what you see. Lose three turns.
  30. You play a game of Mafia, it is themed on the Stargate Sg1 Episode “Window of Opportunity” Pyrotechnician yells out: FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! You have hit a “time loop”and go back in time. Draw another Chance Card.

List of Monopoly Community Chest cards (US)

  1. Advance to Go (Collect $800)
  2. Bank error in your favor. Collect $800
  3. Doctor’s fee. Pay $200
  4. From sale of stock you get $200
  5. Get Out of Jail Free
  6. Go to Hell. Go directly to Heel, do not pass Go, do not collect $800
  7. Holiday savings fund matures. Receive $400
  8. Income tax refund. Collect $80
  9. It is your birthday. Collect $50 from every player
  10. Life insurance matures. Collect $400
  11. Pay hospital fees of $1000
  12. Pay school fees of $200
  13. Receive $100 consultancy fee
  14. You are assessed for street repair. $160 per house. $460 per hotel
  15. You have won second prize in a beauty contest. Collect $40
  16. You inherit $40
  17. You receive a PM from Babyhell that is full of “CRUSADE” Propaganda. Pay $1000.
  18. You were “trouted” in the eye and sent to the Emergency Room. Pay hospital fee of 325.
  19. You visit The Noodle Compound, drink a large quantity of “Rainwater Moonshine” You have blacked out and lose 3 turns. If you are Noodle, collect 250 from each player for repairs concerning “after party” damages.
  20. You are play Mr. Rodgers and are “Neighbors” with D2DC. Pay D2DC 400. If you are D2DC, collect 100 from each player.
  21. You go on vacation “down south” and hire Coju as a tour guide. Pay Coju 400. If you are Coju, collect 100 from each player.
  22. You argue the finer points of mafia with Skjolde. Pay Skjolde 400 for consultation services. If you are Skjolde, collect 100 from each player.
  23. You have “ Chionophobia” Pay 250. If you are Leopold Stotch, pay 500.
  24. You played a long, nerve wracking game mafia with your scum partner Pyrotechnician. Roll the dice. If your roll is even, collect 500. If your roll is odd, you were unlucky and got thrown under the bus. Pay 500 to calm your nerves.
  25. A WILD KESTEGS APPEARS! You’re Shocked. Lose your next turn.
  26. A Spam Bot rampages through the forums. Roll the dice and pay the player before you 10 times that amount.
  27. Stop by the EMB for a drink. Roll the dice. If even, buy the EMB all a dew. Pay 100. If odd, drink too much dew and lose your next turn because well, you have to pee.
  28. Watch Narcos. Roll the dice. If even, advance to go and collect 800. If odd, go to Hell (jail) do not pass go, do not collect 800.
  29. You come up with a breakthrough technique on asteroid/moon mining. Collect 1000.
  30. You play a game of Mafia, it is themed on the Stargate Sg1 Episode “Window of Opportunity”Pyrotechnician yells out: FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! You have hit a “time loop”and go back in time. Draw another Community Chest Card.

US Name
Rent with color set
Rent (1 House)
(2 Houses)
(3 Houses)
(4 Houses)
Houses Cost
Hotels Cost (plus 4 houses)
Mortgage Value
BrownMediterranean Avenue816401203606401000200200240120
BrownBaltic Avenue16328024072012801800200200240120
Light BlueOriental Avenue2448120360108016002200200200400200
Light BlueVermont Avenue2448120360108016002200200200400200
Light BlueConnecticut Avenue3264160400120018002400200200480240
PinkSt Charles Place4080200600180025003000400400560280
PinkStates Avenue4080200600180025003000400400560280
PinkVirginia Avenue4896240720200028003600400400640320
OrangeSt James Place56112280800220030003800400400720360
OrangeTennessee Avenue5611228080022030003800400400720360
OrangeNew York Avenue64128320880240032004000400400800400
RedKentucky Avenue721443601000280035004200600600880440
RedIndiana Avenue721443601000280035004200600600880440
RedIllinois Avenue801604001200300037004400600600960480
YellowAtlantic Avenue8817644013203200390046006006001040520
YellowVentnor Avenue8817644013203200390046006006001040520
YellowMarvin Gardens9619248014403400410048006006001120560
GreenPacific Avenue10421652015603600440051008008001200600
GreenNorth Carolina Avenue10420852015603600440051008008001200600
GreenPennsylvania Avenue11222460018004000480056008008001280640
Dark BluePark Place14028070020004400520060008008001400700
Dark BlueBoardwalk20040080024005600680080008008001600800

Property Assignments via random roll od 1D100:

Noodle: 68

D2DC: 92

Leopold Stotch: 49

Skjolde: 68

Coju: 38

Tie Breaker between Noodle and Skjolde:

Noodle: 44

Skjolde: 24

Order of randomness is:

D2DC, Leopold Stotch, Noodle, Coju, Skjolde.

  • Mediterranean Avenue 1 – Leopold Stotch
  • Baltic Avenue 2 – D2DC
  • Reading Railroad 3 – Skjolde
  • Oriental Avenue 4 – Leopold Stotch
  • Vermont Avenue 5 - Skjolde
  • Connecticut Avenue 6 -Noodle
  • St. Charles Place 7 – Coju
  • Electric Company 8 -D2DC
  • States Avenue 9 – Coju
  • Virginia Avenue 10 - Noodle
  • Pennsylvania Railroad 11 – D2DC
  • St. James Place 12 – Leopold Stotch
  • Tennessee Avenue 13 -D2DC
  • New York Avenue 14 – Leopold Stotch
  • Kentucky Avenue 15 – Skjolde
  • Indiana Avenue 16 – Noodle
  • Illinois Avenue 17 – Coju
  • B. & O. Railroad 18 - Noodle
  • Atlantic Avenue 19 – Noodle
  • Ventnor Avenue 20 - Skjolde
  • Water Works 21 - Noodle
  • Marvin Gardens 22 - Skjolde
  • Pacific Avenue 23 – D2DC
  • North Carolina Avenue 24 – Leopold Stotch
  • Pennsylvania Avenue 25 - Coju
  • Short Line 26 - Coju
  • Park Place 27 – D2DC
  • Boardwalk 28 – Leopold Stotch
D2DC’s Properties:

Baltic Ave, Electric Company, Pennsylvania RR, Tennessee Ave, Pacific Ave, Park Place. (5)

Leopold Stotch’s Properties:

Mediterranean Ave, Oriental Ave, St. James Place, New York Ave, North Carolina Ave, Boardwalk. (6)

Noodle’s Properties:

Connecticut Ave, Virginia Ave, Indiana Ave, BO Railroad, Atlantic Ave, Water Works (6)

Coju’s Properties:

St. Charles Place, States Ave, Illinois Ave, Pennsylvania Ave, Short Line RR. (5)

Skjolde’s Properties:

Reading RR, Vermont Ave, Kentucky Ave, Ventnor Ave, Marvin Gardens. (5)
Oh and for the first maybe 20 ish rotations, I was drawing Cnace/Community Chect cards via complete random roll.

Then for 20 to maybe 30, I force rolled them all to be #17 or higher, meaning I forced the specific flavored ones.

Then for Rotations 40 and on, if the rotation was even numbered, I rolled 1-30 and accepted the roll for the game. Rotations that were odd numbered, I rolled until I got one that was #17 or higher.
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The flavor added was my favorite part.

It felt like a lot of work watching gorny do it so. So thank you for that.

Pandemic lends itself to a lot of actions. I bet there could be a way to forumize it.
Estimated market value